South America and Antarctica Tour, Fall & Winter 2019/20
Well that’s a wrap for South America. This tour moved along quickly at certain points, and quite slowly at others, but as usual, everything tends to balance out in the end.
Performing and entertaining is an awesome thing. But it doesn’t always flow the way you’d like. And gratitude in the moment isn’t always the strongest (and let’s face it, trying to “force” this isn’t always productive either!).
A good friend and fellow harmonica player, just recently advised me to simply “stop resisting”; in other words, if you feel like you’re making a difference where you are, whether it’s where you want to ultimately be or not, trust the process. We’ve all heard that before. But wow, is it ever proving itself to be more and more true.
The music is always fun, the sights and experiences are always new and incredible, but the most rewarding and memorable parts of these little ventures are the people I get to spend time with and learn from: the new friends, fans, fellow artists, late-nighters, all-nighters, dive buddies, gym buddies, trekking buddies, each and every one who’s been around and STAYED around: you’re the cream of the crop. I’ll miss you all much, but have no doubts we’ll meet again.
Until next time!